
a medium not to be underestimated

In addition to encouraging local media, publishing in newspapers allows you to gain visibility in your community.

Are traditional media still relevant?

Yes, some people still read newspapers and magazines. Many more than you might think. Whether it's in a waiting room at the dentist's or directly from the "Publisac" hanging on their door, people have access to this medium.

In fact, an audience that reads newspapers or magazines is more attentive to what it consults on this medium than when reading on other so-called “passive” platforms. They are therefore more inclined to browse your ad or advertorial. Most magazines and daily newspapers offer you a dual presence, as they are available both in print and online. And that’s not counting the opportunities for proofreading afterwards.

The advantages of publishing in newspapers

An attentive audience;
It's a more trusted medium;
Advertorials available;
Target by interest or zip code;
Opportunity to target an older, better-educated audience;
Reach a wider readership thanks to the read-back rate.

Newspapers are recommended...

Companies that want to reach people in their community;
To build a reputation or credibility;
Companies that target a more educated audience;
To complement a digital campaign;
Companies wishing to promote an event;
Local companies looking to recruit.

"Your customers won't want to move on"

Growth starts here

We know the media in the Ottawa-Gatineau and Montreal region well, having maintained a business relationship with them for several years now. Over the years, we’ve been able to analyze their impact on different audiences in the region, so we can advise you on the most effective placements for your offer and objectives.

Introduce newspapers and magazines to your marketing strategy

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