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Radio advertising:
an enduring medium

The Ottawa-Gatineau and Montreal regions are blessed with over 50 local English and French radio stations. Make your voice heard!

More about radio advertising

Radio has a special way of sharing an emotion or creating a mood by playing with music, sound effects, voices or even, in some cases, silence.

In the absence of images, the listener has to use his or her imagination to complete the scene and create a mental image that he or she is more likely to remember. It’s the medium most conducive to intrigue, wordplay and misunderstanding: make the most of it. Radio is also a medium of movement and proximity, as it follows people in their daily lives from the home to the car to the office. Be part of the fabric of your consumers’ lives.

The benefits of radio

Appeals to the listener's imagination;
Ability to act quickly: last-minute announcements, unexpected promotions, reaction to current events, because booking times are shorter;
Target by territory, interests, gender, age;
Relatively inexpensive;
Ability to be highly creative;
Allows listeners to enter into the intimacy of their daily lives;
Several advertising formats available.

Radio is recommended...

To local businesses;
For awareness-raising messages;
To announce promotions;
To new companies;
To gain notoriety;
For storytelling.

"An opportunity to get along"

Growth starts here

We know the media in the Ottawa-Gatineau region well, as we’ve been doing business with them for several years now. Over the years, we’ve been able to analyze their impact on different audiences in the region, so we can advise you on the most effective placements for your offer and your objectives.

Introduce radio to your marketing strategy

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